This may come a bit late, but at least in 1995 there was the special, anecdotal incident of Tom Jones' album "The Lead and How to Swing It" rising to no. 1 on the Finnish charts for two weeks, after the song "If I Only Knew" had been played on TV as a video highlight / broadcast end text soundtrack during the Ice Hockey World Championships - the first ever at which Finland took the title. The album (as well as the single) had been released in the previous year (1994), but it rose to the top position in late May / early June 1995.
Here is the chart programme video from 25.5.1995 (scroll to ~48:45 and enjoy): have no knowledge / stats of TJ's other chart history in Finland.
P.S. Nice site. Do you guys know where one could best find the chart history before 1995 / mistähän 90-luvun puoliväliä varhaisemmat listatiedot Suomesta löytäisi, onko niitä netissä tai jossain opuksissa?