*** ▒ Dat ge "Ohohoh" gaat wel na een tijdje vervelen, maar verders vind ik deze track van de nu 16 jarige Canadese zanger "Justin Drew Bieber" uit half november 2009 gewoon OK !!! Terug te vinden op zijn album "My World" ☺!!!
* The moment I heard the word 'fraction' in the lyrics this song was doomed to failure. I'd personally say that this is very derivative and exponentially bad! :P
* lol Hijinx :D<br><br>The only consolation here is that some of Bieber's fans might actually learn some maths here...oh who am I kidding, if they've been brainwashed since the start they're obviously not going to have the intelligence to jump off the bandwagon now.
*** Ich mag RnB mega gerne, aber wenn ich ihn hören muss von so einem kleinen Milchbubi, dann vergeht mir ganz schnell die Lust darauf.. woll'n aber mal nicht so sein - 3*.